Archive for the 'Folk Literature' Category

Juan Gathers Guavas

Saturday, December 5th, 2009

The guavas were ripe, and Juan’s father sent him to gather enough for the family and for the neighbors who came to visit them. Juan went to the guava bushes and ate all that he could hold. Then he began to look around for mischief. He soon found a wasp nest and managed to get […]

Benito, the Faithful Servant

Saturday, December 5th, 2009

On a time there lived in a village a poor man and his wife, who had a son named Benito. The one ambition of the lad from his earliest youth was that he might be a help to the family in their struggle for a living.

How the Farmer Deceived the Demon

Friday, December 4th, 2009

Very many years ago, in a far-away land where the trees never changed their green leaves and where the birds always sang, there lived on an island a farmer with a large family. Though all alone on the island and knowing nothing of people in the outer world, they were always happy, as happy as […]

The Datto Somacuel

Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

Datto Somacuel was one of the seven chiefs who, coming from Borneo many years before the Spaniards conquered these islands, settled the Island of Panay. He lived in Sinaragan, a town near San Joaquin, in the southern part of Iloilo Province. His wife’s name was Capinangan.

Somacuel went every morning to the seashore to watch his slaves
fish with the sinchoro, or net.

Three Brothers of Fortune

Monday, November 30th, 2009

Narrated by Eugenio Estayo, a Pangasinan, who heard the story from Toribio Serafica, a native of Rosales, Pangasinan. In former times there lived in a certain village a wealthy man who had three sons,–Suan, Iloy, and Ambo. As this man was a lover of education, he sent all his boys to another town to school. […]

The Three Brothers

Monday, November 30th, 2009

There was once an old woman who had three sons. The father died when Tito, the youngest brother, was only five years old; and the mother was left alone to bring up her three boys. The family was very poor; but the good woman worked hard, and her sons grew into sturdy young men.

Suan Eket

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

Narrated by Manuel Reyes, a Tagalog from Rizal province. Many years ago there lived in the country of Campao a boy named Suan. While this boy was studying in a private school, it was said that he could not pronounce the letter x very well–he called it “eket.” So his schoolmates nick-named him “Suan Eket.” […]

Suan, The Good Guesser

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

Suan’s Good Luck Narrated by Macaria Garcia. The story is popular among the Pampangans. There was once an old woman who had an only son named Suan. Suan was a clever, sharp-witted boy. His mother sent him to school. Instead of going to school, however, Suan climbed up the tree that stood by the roadside. […]

The Hawk and the Hen

Tuesday, November 24th, 2009

Visayan A hawk flying about in the sky one day decided that he would like to marry a hen whom he often saw on earth. He flew down and searched until he found her, and then asked her to become his wife. She at once gave her consent on the condition that he would wait […]

The Spider and the Fly

Tuesday, November 24th, 2009

Visayan Mr. Spider wanted to marry Miss Fly. Many times he told her of his love and begged her to become his wife, but she always refused for she did not like him. One day when she saw Mr. Spider coming again Miss Fly closed all the doors and windows of her house and made […]